THURSDAY ART & CREATIVITY CLUB_TERM 4 2024/25 Slade Primary School:

Please only book for THURSDAY Art Club TERM 4 if you child has already a place in THURSDAY Art Club TERM 3 2024/25. Please join the waiting list if you would like a space in this club.

INFO Term 4 2025: (YEAR 1 to YEAR 5 Only)

Dates: 27/02, 6/03, 13/03, 20/03 and 03/04/25

(There is no Art Club on Thursday 27/03/25 - Parents evening)

Day: Thursdays

Cost: £55 per child for a block of 5 sessions of 60min + 15 break + £3 online booking fee. (All materials are INCLUDED in the price.) The activities are new and different each term.

Last term dates: 9/01, 16/01, 23/01,30/01 and 06 /02

Important information:

Please note Children attending the club need to be able to follow Art Club Rules and instructions independently. This club is not suitable for children who require constant one to one support during school time.

Waiting lists:

To make the booking process as fair as possible, places are open to everyone at the beginning of each academic term. Once places have been allocated for Term 1, those children will have priority to book for the following term. Unfortunately, we have limited spaces, and although we would love to accommodate everybody, this is not possible.

If you are unable to book a space , please join the current waiting list 2024/25. As soon as a space becomes available, we will let you know.

Please note that waiting lists are only valid for one academic year. If you added your child to a waiting list in a previous year, please ensure you add your child to the waiting list for the current year, as previous lists will not be used. Thank you for your understanding.